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The War In Ukraine


Right now, we are seeing an important and very frightening event going on in Europe. We have all seen the videos coming out of Ukraine of the Russian forces attempting to overthrow the Ukrainian government. Russian leader Vladimir Putin holds the belief that the anti-Russian government is not acceptable and is viewed by him as a Russian territory. These ideas have now led too a full scale war on the invasion of Ukraine. Obviously, this is a very serious situation. Ukrainian citizens are now fleeing the country fearing for their lives. There have already been several civilian casualties from Russian attacks on buildings. But in this age we are in, their are several different problems surrounding this war,

War Misinformation


Misinformation and accurate information is a critical component of fighting a conflict and is becoming increasingly hard to find accurate information.


Only take information from credible sources and share your credible information with others.

Children's Health during a Time War

THE PROBLEM: During a war, a Childs health, education, and psychological well being is put in jeopardy.




Donate to Save the Children to support the children of Ukraine.

Health and Safety of Ukrainian Citizens

THE PROBLEM: The Russian assault of Ukraine has left the health and safety of several Ukrainian citizens at risk.


Donate to the Ukrainian Crisis Relief Fund to bring relief to the people of Ukraine.

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